Music. Know how there's the tunes that take you through the tough times? Music that resonates with your soul? Cradles you? Music assures your spirit that The Light will Shine again? When I left my first post-Divorce relationship, I knew I'd stepped out. I'd left something that was Good for something that would be Better. That is NOT a commentary on the person I left. It's a statement about moving forward in my Life. Taking a Risk to follow my Heart because I knew there was something More I needed.In All of my Life.


That's when I found the music of Karen Drucker. I have two of her CD's, but I love this one, above, the most. I use it to energize me in the morning or when I need a late afternoon pick up. When I feel bluesy and need some reassurance that All Is Well. That Life IS Good. And, as she titled one song, "I Am So Blessed."

I've never recommended a CD on my blog before. But I decided ed that this CD had made such a positive impact in my Life, it deserved a place in my Arts Friday posts. Below is a YouTube Sampling of her work, "The Face of God." If that makes you want to click and run, keeping reading….Karen is a New Thought artist (yet her work appeals to all open to Spirituality, however it is defined.) And that last link will have others of you clicking and running, too. I realize. I love her titles, in "Songs of the Spirit II"–yes, I titled this post Songs for the Spirit. This CD includes: "Thank you for this Day," [You are a] "Blessing To The World," "Healed Whole & Healthy," "There Is Only Love."  The beats are both melodic and perfect for harmonizing along loudly and boogieing down to a resonating native-like drumbeat. Enjoy. And, I hope you will find Karen Drucker's music as uplifting as do I.