“I Come From…”

Disclosure: Recently, about a dozen Nashville-area bloggers and I were the guests of Hallmark's "Moments Between the Milestones" national tour. Yes, they were hawking a product line, but they do it. Oh. So. Well.  I was gifted some goodies from the...

Thank you Jobs 4 Ur Gift to Art & Autism

We interrupt this previously scheduled ArtsFriday post here to mourn the loss of Apple/IPAD creator Steve Jobs who, Wednesday, surrendered in his long battle with pancreatic cancer.       Jobs was a creatively unlimited visionary who made...

Development. It’s All About Development.

My 17-year-old skips down a sidewalk in the middle of Vanderbilt University. Ironically, it's the very campus we drove to daily for many years of grueling early autism intervention. That was then. This is now. And seeing her like that there, the word that lit up...

When They’re Gone

They're gone now, you know. Both of them. Their house was sold. Their estate has been settled. Their lovelies–furniture energy-rich with love and lore–was divided, moved and now adorns our respective homes. And now we are left to sort our inner worlds....

Nashville, Artober & A Funny Mayor

The video, which I could not later relocate on Facebook, where I saw it last night, had me howling and wiping tears. There is a video via the local news, but my experience is if I post it here, it will eventually expire. Thankfully, Nashville Mayor Dean just won...