I am reminded today of this post from two years ago on the cusp of the United States' first black president's adminstration. Lore has it that the following sentence was a viral text among the black community during Obama's campaign:
"Rosa sat so Martin could march. Martin marched so Obama could run."*
"Let Freedom Ring."
God Bless America!
…And, All The World's Nations!!
*AMENDED VERSION: See first comment, below.
tho’t you’d be interested in this from syracuse cultural workers:
<< "rosa sat so martin could walk. martin walked so barack could run. barack ran so that all our children can fly." This simple slogan movingly connects the past to the present, creating a memorable slice of people's history. These three people are, of course, symbols for the millions of dedicated Americans who work tirelessly for justice and peace. "Many of you have probably seen the Rosa Sat… quote circulating the web. We hunted down the originator of the quote, Kiari Day a single mom living near Pittsburgh, and are paying her a royalty. I call it 'closing the circle of justice.'" -Dik Cool
For got to credit my above source as friend/poet/advocate holly lu connant rees.