Photo: Eric Skiff

Ssssh. Life is Good. We are happy. Just as there's sweet, there's also a hint of bitter.

Sleep is needed. Sleep is interrupted. Sometimes sleep does not come for hours. And hours. Tummies are hungry and words cannot communicate. Sometimes the chemicals run wild. And nighttime is a wonderland of play. Sometimes tummies hurt, and again, words do not exist to communicate. Sometimes bladders are full and they may or may not empty in appropriate places. Sometimes the room is too hot. Again, the words are incapable of formation within mysterious brains and onto sweet lips.

Life is Good. We are happy. Just as there's sweet, there's also a hint of bitter. We have these little secrets. These little things that go wrong in a special needs family. Sleep is our friend. And, sometimes we cannot find her. Or she comes late. Very, very late. Or, in the middle of the night, we lose  our desperate grasp of her.

Ssssh. Life is Good. We are happy. Just as there's sweet, however, there's also a hint of bitter.

Ssssh. These little secrets, we have, as a special needs family.