This is an important and touching video. Also see article & excerpts below:

Atlantic Monthly: "Autism's First Child" features Leo Kanner's first patient–the first person diagnosed with autism, who is still living. The above video is poignant and tender. I applaud the efforts and words of these conscientious journalists. Bless them.

An excerpt regarding adults with autism:

Zucker and Donvan–“The truth is that we often deny to adults with autism the kind of empathy and support we make readily available to children with the condition—or, for that matter, to people with white canes at crosswalks. We underestimate their capabilities, reveal our discomfort in their company, and display impatience when they inconvenience us.” Quoted in their article, Dr. Peter Gerhardt says, “It’s like giving someone a wheelchair on a one-month rental,” Gerhardt says, “and at the end of the month, they have to give it back, and walk.”