by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 15, 2013 | Art, Autism/Disability, Nashville!
The first time I traveled internationally, people from other countries assumed by my accent that I was from Dallas. Ha! Maybe in the future they'll hear me and assume I'm from Nashville!* Actually, living here for 20-plus years now, I still haven't lost my...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 14, 2013 | All The Rest of Life, Art, Nashville!, Obama/Politics, Spirituality
Fun to see this famous sculpture at the 21C Museum Hotel during New Years in Louisville. Enjoy the day. May chocolate, roses and love be abundant in your life today. And, always. Plus: here's to my many passionate woman-artist friends who are participating in a...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 13, 2013 | Art
Welcome mat; Bebo Folk Art; fidgety coffee shop handiwork Iron fence; collage, yours truly; Haitian hearts; Tama's "Cradling a Special Heart;" top center & other hearts found in nature
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 11, 2013 | All The Rest of Life, Art, Midlife and Beyond
You're back?! Good! It's still officially winter. I'll switch off to iced almond milk decaf lattes or iced Passion tea when the weather warms, but as long as the trees remain naked, I'm warming my insides with–ahhhh-a cozy mug of simmering hot...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 10, 2013 | Art, Spirituality
Ahem….I interrupt your Sunday night viewing of Downton Abbey to share with you a must see movie. It's making the rounds in the spiritual community. I missed it last month at The Center for Spiritual Living Nashville, but fortunately caught it this weekend at...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 8, 2013 | Art, Autism/Disability, Grief & Loss, Midlife and Beyond, Motherhood, Nashville!, Spirituality
My writing mentor/coach, Portland, Ore.-based Charlotte Rains Dixon–whom I met through Middle Tennessee State University's Writer's Loft–tagged me to participate in a blog hop about my next book. She was tagged, then she tagged me and some other...