by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 28, 2012 | Art, Nashville!, Travel
Nashville? It's a city with soul. Grayton Beach, Florida? A lil' beach town with heart. And the two often find themselves in rhythm with one another. Not sure why exactly. There seem to be a lot of Nashville expats down on this sweet spot along 30A. And,...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 26, 2012 | Art, Autism/Disability
Film is art. Moving pictures have the power to transport us away from our daily lives. They can illuminate our spirit. Tickle our funny bone and even inspire us. And since "The Journey with Grace" is in part a blog about art–and isn't all of Life...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 25, 2012 | Art, Nashville!
He was one of the most hard-scrabble-looking writers upon whom I've ever laid eyes. Numerous times over the years, I saw acclaimed rural carpenter turned novelist William Gay sit on author's panels at the Southern Festival of Books and not say a whole lot that...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 24, 2012 | Art, Autism/Disability, Nashville!
Artist Jerry Adams's dreamy watercolors first grabbed and held onto my heart in 2008 at a very special exhibit. "The Artist's Voice: A Tennessee Exhibition Featuring Artists with Disabilities" bubbled up from a dream turned vision to a...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 20, 2012 | Art, Midlife and Beyond, Spirituality, Technology/Blogging
Saturday, much of America apparently perched on their couches and watched Whitney Houston's funeral via television or live-stream internet. The Facebook community was stacked with commentary. Though I'm not a fan of celebrity, I believe in the...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 18, 2012 | Art
Add: Three whales trapped in ice + Drew Barrymore + a sprinkle of romance + a douse of suspense = A movie that can't go wrong. The previews for "Big Miracle" proved it would be a good family movie for February. And, it delivered all this plus more. My...