GraceArt @ TPAC

"Sunshine," by Grace Walker Goad Grace's drawing, above, is displayed at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center, near the Polk Theater entrance, downtown Nashville, until January 7, 2011. It can easily be spotted before or after a show or during...

Fair Game: A Review

   I did not want to see this movie. When the blaring previews subsided and the film began, I constructed a plan to slip out of the theater and go to the movie I thought Husband 2.0, I and our friend had agreed to see. The one that Husband 2.0 and I'd...

Frist Impressionist Exhibit: A Must-See

Morisot, Le Bereau @ The Birth of Impressionism, Frist Center In one word: Light. The Frist Center for Visual Arts impressionist exhibit is about light. The exhibit IS light. Good art, to use the woo-woo way of saying things, can open one's heart chakra. Woo-woo...

Help a Starving Artist this Christmas

Carolina cousin and rising Americana music star Angela Easterling performs, above, at The Basement with back-up Will Kimbrough, at last years's Americana Music Festival. Photo: Leisa A. Hammett Country California liked my Americana rising star cousin Angela...