by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 5, 2010 | Art, Autism/Disability, H2H, Our Book, Spirituality, Technology/Blogging
Gone Blogging: Yesterday through tomorrow, I'm attending the annual Blissdom conference on blogging. There will be hundreds of mostly women bloggers there from around the globe. Above are just a handful of our local crew (Nashville Women Who Blog on Facebook) who...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 3, 2010 | Art, Autism/Disability, Grief & Loss, Motherhood
Whenever autism is portrayed in the popular media, seasoned parent advocates become leery, skeptical. After 13 years on the journey, I've learned repeatedly that in the end, It's All Good. No matter how inaccurate, offensive or off-the-mark the coverage, it...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Feb 1, 2010 | All The Rest of Life, Art, Grief & Loss, Spirituality
Photo: Leisa A. HammettA long, mind-fitful meditation ended. Slowly opening my eyes, I studied the familiar room. My great room. Still. Quiet. Golden in the light coming through a set of opened shades. I rose to open the rest of them and I questioned: Why do I feel...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Jan 30, 2010 | All The Rest of Life, Art
Angel of Earlier January Snow, Radnor Lake. Photo: The Fiance, aka: Dee Hamilton. All Rights Reserved.Winter storm thwarted Grace's typical weekend out-of-town with her father, my Saturday afternoon art class, The Fiance and my plans for dinner with friends....
by Leisa A. Hammett | Jan 29, 2010 | Art, Technology/Blogging, Travel
Take Two. This photoblog post mysteriously vanished into the internet ether sometime following it's first 12 hours of published life. If you opened it via email subscription or here, during those first 12 or so hours, sorry for the repeat. I'm stubborn and...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Jan 28, 2010 | Art, Autism/Disability, Grief & Loss, H2H, Our Book
Feedback from the exhibit's visitor book: “The photos are so powerful” “This is the best exhibit ever!” “What remarkable stories this exhibit depicts.” “Ms. Pope’s photos are amazing and so are the families that shared a glimpse of their lives…”...