Art is a window to the potential and beauty of individuals with disAbilities. Art whispers, lures, and transforms the heart. Art seduces the eyes then burrows into the heart’s core truth, transcending the societal barriers of stereotypes and labels. The first...
Sunday, I cried a lot. Not tears of sadness and pain, but outpourings of joy. The night before, Shimai Pottery & Gifts, in their “Studio Shimai” gallery, on the grounds of the nationally famous Loveless Cafe ,hosted EMERGING: Three Young Artists with...
Once upon a time, a three-year-old girl, named Grace Walker Goad, was diagnosed with autism. Her family enrolled their only child in all the typical, standard early-childhood interventions of the late 90s: group, private, and public school speech/language...
Seeing pictures of myself at this week’s art event, I thought it time to hit “publish” on this post written earlier this summer. Never one to routinely look at others and guess their age, I have begun to spot the signs and see the changes in women...
There’s four opportunities to see and purchase the art of Grace Walker Goad this summer and fall. 1) Tomorrow, Thursday, August 7, come see us at the outdoor market of Green Hills’ Whole Foods Market, 4-7 PM. We’re continuing our tradition started...
Have you heard? Nashville loves food! Nashville has become a town of foodies, among other things. Long before national media named us the “IT CITY,”—a moniker that makes us both puff with pride and tremble a little about what we may become after everyone...
From Heartache to Hope: middle tennessee families living with autism, a book by Leisa A. Hammett & photographer Rebekah Pope. Click here for more info plus ordering details.