Walking Through Grief

Many, if not most of us, do not know about or much about hospice…until there comes a need for it in our lives. There came a need in our family's life, when my mother died nearly two years ago. Kind, knowledgeable, compassionate. Hospice was there. Quietly,...

Family Secrets

Photo: Eric Skiff Ssssh. Life is Good. We are happy. Just as there's sweet, there's also a hint of bitter. Sleep is needed. Sleep is interrupted. Sometimes sleep does not come for hours. And hours. Tummies are hungry and words cannot communicate. Sometimes the...

Angry. And Tired.

The house is quiet except the rapid thud and clack my fast-moving fingers make on the laptop keyboard. I should be in bed, but after a weekend of ignoring this machine, it's catch-up time. Three days worth of unanswered emails and I find myself angry. Having just...