Thresholds: Grace in the Time of Corona

Thresholds: Grace in the Time of Corona

This fall, I’m in a virtual Jungian dream group led by certified dream facilitator Laura Huff of Fire by Night Dreamwork.* It’s fascinating work and I’m learning a lot. Bi-weekly, our small group members rotate sharing our dreams. My second go at...
Timing: Grace in the Time of Corona

Timing: Grace in the Time of Corona

Sometimes things don’t work out when and how we want them to because they aren’t supposed to do so. Sometimes the solution reveals itself is down the road in time. The week Tennessee and most of the nation’s shut down, we went from three personal...
Left Brain Hibernation Update: Grace in the Time of Corona

Left Brain Hibernation Update: Grace in the Time of Corona

Dear Devoted Readers, (all three of you)‚ I’ve thought of y’all. A lot. But. The seductive pull of quiet, going deeper. deeper. down. down. inward. inward. was stronger. My right brain, versus my chatty, left, writerly brain, has taken over the controls....
Owning the Divine Feminine: Grace in the Time of Corona

Owning the Divine Feminine: Grace in the Time of Corona

A bawdy artist friend posted on “the Facebook” about baring her untanned “excessive” belly flesh by donning in a sports bra and shorts for a stroll at the park and no longer giving an eff about the disapproving looks she received. It was the...
Independence Day in America?: Grace in the Time of Corona

Independence Day in America?: Grace in the Time of Corona

At the dawn of this holiday weekend, I received another of a sporadic series of videos and memes from an elder neighbor. I don’t know this spunky woman well and I assume no ill of her intent with her shares. But they are always diametrically opposed to my own...