by Leisa A. Hammett | Oct 28, 2013 | Autism/Disability, Midlife and Beyond, Motherhood, Nashville!, Obama/Politics
Sometimes to make a point about the needs of the disAbility community, we have to tell stories that are very real but aren't so pretty. And, every time we open up to reporters, there is chance for human error and misinterpretation. That said, I have been on both...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Oct 14, 2013 | Autism/Disability, Grief & Loss, Midlife and Beyond, Motherhood, Nashville!
Have you seen the 31 days (of October) blogosphere campaigns? The take of Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt's Wishing Well blog is "31 Days of Miracles." I've loved this particular series and have opened a little shared...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Oct 7, 2013 | Midlife and Beyond, Nashville!, Obama/Politics
A group of nonpartisan East Nashville healthcare advocates, "You're Covered Nashville," decided to share the facts on the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as the much demonized "Obamacare." They've spoken at churches, neighborhood...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Aug 30, 2013 | Art, Autism/Disability, Midlife and Beyond, Motherhood, Spirituality, Technology/Blogging
I'm not going away. I'm just stepping back from this here. The blog, that is. It's a decision with which I've struggled for at least a year. To stop posting my regular, like clockwork, three-times a week on "The Journey with Grace" so...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Aug 28, 2013 | Autism/Disability, Grief & Loss, Midlife and Beyond, Motherhood, Spirituality
“You see, the big thing for me is to love reality and not live in the imagination, not live in what could have been or what should have been or what can be, and somewhere, to love reality and then discover that God is present.” ~ Jean Vanier, founder,...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Aug 16, 2013 | All The Rest of Life, Art, Midlife and Beyond, Spirituality
Dustin Hoffman, in the video below, tears up repeatedly when he realizes what it's like to be a woman. This is something that every man should watch. I hope everyone will. It's three minutes. Just do it. (I know the women folks will. 😉