by Leisa A. Hammett | Sep 19, 2011 | Art, Motherhood, Nature, Obama/Politics, Spirituality, Travel
Sharing this via my amazing friend author Whitney Ferre @ If you're lucky enough to be in the lovely Pacific Northwest, Whitney, formerly of The Creative Fitness Center and Rumours Gallery and Wine Bars, packed her bags and moved there...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Aug 15, 2011 | All The Rest of Life, Motherhood, Nashville!, Nature, Spirituality
Eckhart Tolle wrote about A New Earth. Christian fundamentalists talk about End Times. New Agers speculate about the Mayan Calendar….2012. Tsunamis. Floods. Record heat that's predicted to become the norm. World economies in crisis. An American government...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Apr 29, 2011 | Art, Nashville Flood, Nashville!, Nature
The memories are painfully tender: One year ago Saturday and Sunday, April 30 and May 1, the heavens above Nashville flung open and remained gapingly stuck, dumping 19 inches of rain. A 1,000 year flood we had. Here are a just a couple of posts from #NashvilleFlood:...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Apr 4, 2011 | All The Rest of Life, Grief & Loss, Nature, Spirituality
by Janis Hammett "You know, I loved my Mother dearly, but I was my Daddy’s girl; and even if Daddy had not just passed, to look out and see all of you here would bring me to tears. I know you’re here because you loved my Daddy too and that just means the world to...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Mar 7, 2011 | Grief & Loss, Midlife and Beyond, Nature
Oh. February. You–the second month of 2011. You've done it again. Delivered your annual numerical tease. First, You dump upon my already frozen body more white stuff. I think. January and December snowed so much, I lose track of it. On day 14, You blossom in...
by Leisa A. Hammett | Jan 31, 2011 | Autism/Disability, Grief & Loss, Motherhood, Nashville!, Nature
It's the end of January and this morning I crashed. Except for a driving compulsion to sit next to windows when I entered dark restaurants, I was never aware of seasonal affect disorder until my daughter was diagnosed with autism. Then, I became acutely aware of...