Remember to Breathe: Grace in the Time of Corona

  I can feel it. In you. In me. It’s like a breath caught and suspended in our individual and collective throats. I originally wrote and posted the following on Facebook. It resonated with folks. And, I keep returning to the post’s message in my...
Left Brain Hibernation Update: Grace in the Time of Corona

Left Brain Hibernation Update: Grace in the Time of Corona

Dear Devoted Readers, (all three of you)‚ I’ve thought of y’all. A lot. But. The seductive pull of quiet, going deeper. deeper. down. down. inward. inward. was stronger. My right brain, versus my chatty, left, writerly brain, has taken over the controls....
Nature Solace, Part I: Grace in the Time of Corona

Nature Solace, Part I: Grace in the Time of Corona

Pandemic salve, solace, and salvation have manifested in the form of forested park walks these last nearly four months. Hardly a day has passed without their denouement. Emotional fatigue, battles of the mind, of the heart, were almost always dissected in the cocoon...
WWJD?: Grace in the Time of Corona

WWJD?: Grace in the Time of Corona

These. Are candid words. They will be offensive to some. I speak my truth. Sometimes truth hurts. I was raised Southern Baptist. It wasn’t until working for the denomination, in my fifth communications position, that I saw true Christian love demonstrated and...

COVID Creativity: Grace in the Time of Corona

Feels a wee bit vulnerable to write this: I feel like I’m experiencing a creative renaissance…. I was nervous about Monday night’s storm. Sunday night’s….Holy. Nashville had what is being called a hurricane on land. Seventy mph winds. No joke....