Life Lessons from Winter

Life Lessons from Winter

The park’s dull, gray, curving paths glistened a deep black, speckled with flecks of silver and blue—liquid mirrors of daylight and winter sky. A manmade canvas doused with a New Year’s first rain. A 30-minute walk in balmy air. A renewed love affair. One...
My Tipper Gore Moment

My Tipper Gore Moment

This may seem a prudish post. This is. My Tipper Gore moment…. The bass beats of the rap music cranking during our morning dance blast class at the Y sent me back to the 80s of my 20something years. As I attempted, but failed, to keep in step, I mentally wove...
Advanced Course in Skills for Life

Advanced Course in Skills for Life

It’s one of the most maligned, undervalued, and belittled professions in existence. Even by members of the same gender. Sometimes, especially by the same gender. Yet, everyone had or has a mother, or was at least conceived by one. I’ve always maintained...