Octogenarian, Nashville Arts Company staple and Marianist Monk Brother Mel, earlier this month, unveiled his coffee table book featuring decades of his prolific works of sculpture and painting. The tome is written and produced by Nashville Arts Matriarch, Anne Brown, owner, Fifth Avenue's The Arts Company.

Brother Mel Booksigning, Arts Company 1209
Brother Mel with The Fiance, signing our copy. Photo: Leisa A. Hammett

Brother Mel, Arts Co., 1209.jpeg
Brother Mel flanked by his sculpture and hot-off-the press book and The Arts Company Gallery owner and Nashville Arts Matriarch Anne Brown. Photo: Leisa A. Hammett

Shown, left, Brother Mel Sconce Arts Co 1209one of 250 wall sconces, each unique and holding Brother Mel's new book, also made their debut at the Dec. 5 event. At $250 total for both the book and the sconce, Brother Mel fans got a heck of a deal. (The Fiance and I included.) Photo: Leisa A. Hammett

Miss Sheryl Sunshine, Arts Co. 1209

And no Nashville art opening is complete without arts scene regular, Miss Sheryl Sunshine–artist, art teacher and avant-garde fashionista–above, who, this night, tucked her long, wavy blonde mane beneath a Thai handmade silk and knit cap.  Photo: Leisa A. Hammett

The Arts Company gets my thumbs up for one of Nashville's best art galleries. Brown has a keen eye for exceptional talent, including an increasing number of photographers, both local and otherwise.