How rude. Monday's here and Grace is back in school and Life dares to return to…"normal." Especially rude in that last week was our luscious fall break. It was my fourth fall break pilgrimage to Grayton Beach, the sweet little state-park-protected area of Florida's South Walton region.

Though the Gulf Coast region of about which extraordinary blogger Megan Jordan of Velveteen Mind* deliciously writes is along Mississippi and New Orleans, the lovely pictured in her words begged to be shared here. The befuddled photos–with their online  display and clarity issues here, argh, are mine:

"Cool breezes don’t begin rolling off of the Gulf of Mexico until well into October, but at the first demure nudge of cool, we know what to do.

"Nothing compares to walking barefoot on cold sand, white caps building on the Gulf behind children running along the shore, salt infusing everything. No one saying “stop.” October comes and we finally, finally, fall back in love with our beach.
"Collect fragments from the water, make up stories about where these bits of treasure came from, and run until we collapse. The sand is so cool, so soft, a dream. Fall arrives and sweeps us away on flights of fancy."


Me: Grayton Beach is Old Florida, see below. And Hibiscus B&B owner Cheri Pebbles, makes sure of that. She is an integral part of this relaxed, down-home, welcoming community of kindred spirits. This year, she opened Studio 30A in one of the property's cottages, featuring Allison Craft Designs, named the area's Artist of the Year, 2012. (I'm blessed to own a small leather and pearl necklace.)

And no trip to the area is complete without a bike ride alongside 30A and a long soak of Seaside ambiance:

I traveled with an artist friend who, like me, has no dance-floor inhibition. Extraordinary local talent Dread Clampitt provided the theme music for the week. We needed at least two more days….Break is over. Today is Monday. Rude reality bites. Wink.