Two wise, mentoring women friends from more than one of my Nashville circles are helping to bring a gift to the Nashville parenting community. I'm anxious to tell you about it. Attachment Parenting and Nonviolent Communication are perfect partners, and this workshop, as I see it, marries the two:

Conflict to
Cooperation, True Parenting Power, Boundaries, Values, Guidance

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Nashville is bringing Ingrid
Bauer to the area on April 5, 6 and 7. Bauer is from British Columbia, Canada, and is a compassionate parenting
advocate and author.  She is an
internationally certified NVC trainer and has developed and led family camps in
Canada, the U S and Europe.

Bauer will be speaking in free a public lecture on
Friday, April 5 from 7- 8:30 pm. Parents, teachers, principals, day care
directors, mental health professionals; all will find the material pertinent to
their work and lives. 

On Saturday, April 6, Bauer leads a workshop entitled
“True Parenting Power," which focuses on discovering the power that helps adult and
child both thrive.  The workshop
teaches tools that work, and also create a positive experience for both adult and child.

Sunday, Bauer leads a workshop entitled, “Boundaries,
Values and Guidance”. She will address the issue of balancing choices and
boundaries, creating harmony and choosing effective responses to challenging

The workshops on Saturday and Sunday take place at Green
Hills Senior Health Center, 2001 Woodmont Boulevard, 9 am – 5 pm.

The weekend is sponsored by Nonviolent Communication
Nashville (NVCN)
. NVC is a communication process developed by Marshall
Rosenberg, Ph.D., to encourage communication with 
compassion and clarity and finding strategies that lead to lasting peace
and harmony.  NVC is taught worldwide and
is used for mediation of conflicts in local courts as well as internationally.

For registration, fees and financial aid information go to

For questions, contact Barbara Nicholson via attparents (at) aol (dot) com

Source: adapted press release