Add: Three whales trapped in ice + Drew Barrymore + a sprinkle of romance + a douse of suspense = A movie that can't go wrong. The previews for "Big Miracle" proved it would be a good family movie for February. And, it delivered all this plus more. My friends, Grace and I laughed, we held our breath, we cheered. This is a feel-good movie, based on a true story. It is also a story of Hope. The time was 1988, the iron curtain was beginning to fall, the Soviet Union was disolving. The effort to rescue three gray whales trapped in ice coalesced formerly opposing forces–tree hugging Green Peace activists, oil companies, Alaskan Inuits, village insiders, outsiders, and two enemy nations, plus more.




For weekend movie therapy, check it out. But note that true to Hollywood's turn-em-over quick philosophy, it's going fast as it'd already left Nashville's main theaters and was showing only deep in the burbs. It's also one that can wait on the Netflix que or a future Red Box trip. Either way, it's worth viewing. You'll leave with a happy heart.

Lastly: Pay attention to a vintage news clip at the end for a cameo appearance of the woman who made famous the line "I can see Russia from my house." (Wink.)
