
On Friday night, we partied, as celebrated below. But come Saturday morning, the rains began. They didn't stop until Sunday night. My attempt to pre-publish Monday's post (as I did this one and Friday's) was thwarted when we lost power Sunday morning–which wasn't regained until 1 a.m. Tuesday morning. My intent is to be back here, hopefully, Thursday, with a recount of Nashville's devastating 500-year flood. Our small family is dry but tired.


It was a genius idea, if I say so myself. Somewhere along the way to creating our book–which is about to go into its' second printing (pending we get a grant!)–I suggested the following. The idea: every member of our book team and each of the 18 families featured sign the book. I handed off the task to ASMT, the Middle Tennessee autism organization our book benefited. In some cases where certain families were unable to attend any of our eight book events from November to April, the book was taken to them for their signature.

So, Friday, April 30, at the Autism Society of Middle Tennessee's annual April Pieces of Hope benefit–voila: the signed book auctioned off for $450, again benefiting the organization.

The rescheduled
Nashville premiere of "The Horse Boy" for Fri., May 7, has been canceled due to the
city-wide focus on flood recovery efforts. The event may be rescheduled
for June with a panel discussion on the effects of autism on families.
The original event planned for April, 24, was canceled due to tornadic
weather and was to include a signing of our book
in conjunction with the screening.

This will conclude our whirlwind of events (pant) until September when Rebekah's photos will exhibit at the Gordon Jewish Community Center along with a book signing and a presentation. And the so the story goes. It's not over….In the meantime, I've got to get packing and moving. Wish me luck!