Weekend ARTism Shows: Grace Walker Goad, Tenn. Art League, 4/4-5, Plus
You're invited ~*Small But Mighty; The Art of Autism: Grace Walker Goad Poston Outreach Gallery, Tennessee Art League, downtown Nashville's 5th Avenue of the Arts Opening Reception: Fri., Apr. 4, 6-8 PM, featuring the work of the **Inaugural Artist's...
The Gift of the Bluejay
He perched there. On my porch. Bulging-bellied lil' feller. His coif an iridescent blue. His body beneath his stunning wings, a downy warm, grey, winter white and dramatic strokes of tuxedo black. Mr. Bluejay. Why had he graced my breakfast window view? Native...
*Small But Mighty
Mighty. In like a lion. March. Like last spring and the spring before, GraceArt's schedule becomes Mighty-er. So for now, I'm leaving you with this. Now go get your calendar. You're invited"
“For the Love of Dogs,” A Film About A Boy, Family, Dogs & Asperger’s
Three-plus minutes. Grab a hankie. This good. This is real. To view on filmscreen, which you'll need to read the captions click on the large, blue words describing the film below: To read how this film came to be, see this blog...
Pining for an Empty Nest
Never was I one of those mothers who cried when they sent their baby(ies) off to nursery school. Okay. I confess, I winced a nanosecond, my eyes moistening. I stood on the other side of the open window, the thin, white curtain--trimmed in red, grosgrain...
A sentinel. She stands. Each morning, other side frigid window panes. A single, shriveled leaf borne, sole remains from bounty once red. Grey. Shorn of cover, rising grace. Sharing border of scalloped fence, crammed Cedar triplets, crowned with remnant of last snow...
“Oddly Puddle,” Must-See Nashville Play About Autism, Through Feb. 23
"A person’s great love and a person’s great heartbreak are almost never the same thing and it seems to me that most people spend a lot of time being protective of the wrong one. Yesterday, I was very sad, but today I got to go on a walk with the neighbors two...