Tennessee’s ID & DD Plea for Help
A band of warriors will ascend Tennessee's Capitol Hill Wednesday. Some would say they are wounded warriors. Many are weary. And, I am one of them. It's annual DisAbility Day on the Hill. Nashville's major daily, The Tennessean, has nobly championed our...
Help Other Artists with Autism
This video by my California friends who founded Celebrate Autism says it all. And, GraceART is featured: And that link, made clickable for your donation is: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-us-build-celebrate-autism-entrepreneurship-program
Divorce Ends a Marriage but Not Always the Parenting Partnership
I know you are there. You see, bloggers don't know who specifically visits their blog, but most "blogging platforms" allow the owner to see where the visitors are coming from (Facebook links, Google searches, websites, etc.,) and at which categories site...
Winter’s Gift of Adversity: Can You Receive It?
I'm grateful for my former neighbor, the complainer. No, really. I am grateful that every time I rounded the curve on my daily walks and saw her, she complained. Specifically, she complained about the weather. It was either too hot or too cold. Pick any season....
G’bye 2013. Hello 2014. Some Thoughts & Lessons I’m Learning
Today, these last hours of the year, feels sacred to me. I'm savoring moments of quiet and still--part of Winter's gift. And, I'm also looking at the gifts brought this past year and how I can continue to grow into the next. Below, I'm sharing some...
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Friends. Here's wishing you time to reflect and ponder. To walk. To eat something that satisfies. Plenty of time to be quiet, contemplative. To read a good book. To hug a loved one. To be creative. To savor joy in stillness....
More Winter Wonder Walk
Winter. She is the finer artist. For her palette, no adornment of leaf. No riches of color. She must etch frozen earth, burn glow of sun onto naked fingerling branches. Some, self-concerned, are blind to her beauty. Trite, yes, but beauty is in...