The Root of Jealousy: A Lil’ Personal Lesson

A good night's sleep, I had. It began on the sofa where I intentionally pulled a throw over myself and stretched out until midnight, when I then proceeded to my bed. A good night's sleep + a shower and the revelation came: Jealousy stems from belief in...

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An Unabashed Book Review

An Unabashed Book Review

Over bowls of chips and salsa, "the queen mother" quietly recommended that I read this book. A year went by and over some other assortment of waist-widening grub--a buffet spread prepared by one of our sister Mothers From Hell, the queen mother, our dear leader, again...

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Another View

What do I think? I'm often asked by those curious about my views on autism. One of the specific questions I'm asked with some regularity is what I think of Jenny McCarthy. The former Playboy model, turned actress, turned autism activist and anti-vaccine zealot...

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My Week While SHE was at Camp 🙂

Our family--which in this case includes Grace's father--from whom I am divorced--his wife and my dear oldest sister and her husband and I--have managed to create a nice little summer rhythm for our beloved Grace. In late May, Grace ends her school year, spends a...

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Shimai Gallery of Contemporary Craft
8400 Highway 100, Nashville, Tenn.
(Little cottage in the far corner of the Loveless Cafe complex.)



From Heartache to Hope: middle tennessee families living with autism, a book by Leisa A. Hammett & photographer Rebekah Pope. Click here for more info plus ordering details.

Grace Goad Autism Art