BOO, Ya’ll! 2012

We're still experiencing the double fall-out of an Epic Move! But, Monday night, we took time for FUN at the Brentwood YMCA's Full Circle program for youth with disAbilities. This special program collaborated with the sweet, kind and gracious men's baseball and...

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DisAbility Coping: Doors in the Sky

Are you a visual person? Chances are, if you are a parent of a child with autism, you're visual like me. If you're an artist, ditto. Here's a coping strategy I developed early in my journey with my daughter. Most all our special needs children are vulnerable....

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ARTober is Pink!

A dual shout out!: Herb Williams' "Pink Slip," made of Crayola crayons. 1) To the sisters for breast cancer awareness month, 'cause October is pink! 2) And, because the month is also ARTober ~ a celebration of Arts & Humanities. Here's my fun post from last year...

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“I See YOU;” DisAbility & The Importance of Being Seen

The guest band was rocking. I stood by the ice cream truck watching my daughter do her wacky dance. She'd led us over to the truck and kept periodically asking for ice cream and pointing to the pictures on the truck, but just about the time we'd cue up for a...

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Travelogues: My Hometown ~ Greenville, SC

The last travelogue series post here on "The Journey with Grace" highlighted Chattanooga's exemplary urban development. Well, my hometown of Greenville, S.C., has bragging rights, too. My current home, Nashville, has it's own success story in...

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The External-Internal Balance of Autism in the World

More thoughts on making peace with public perceptions of disAbility differences. (Written as a Facebook response to another special needs mother, much younger than I and newer to the Journey): Special needs parents have the challenge of not only dealing with the...

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Shimai Gallery of Contemporary Craft
8400 Highway 100, Nashville, Tenn.
(Little cottage in the far corner of the Loveless Cafe complex.)



From Heartache to Hope: middle tennessee families living with autism, a book by Leisa A. Hammett & photographer Rebekah Pope. Click here for more info plus ordering details.

Grace Goad Autism Art