Blog Feature Debut: Travelogues ~ Return to Cades Cove

Fill up the gas tank. Start the engine....I'll be riding shot gun beside 'cha. I love adventure. Exploration. Travel. Anywhere. Mid-March started a series of monthly trips that are lasting into this fall. I'll be sharing these mini-journeys with you mostly...

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Creative Expressions Features GraceArt & Others

Once upon a time, Grace, my daughter, may have been the youngest participant ever in the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Disabilities annual art show at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. We began submitting her art work to the annual show around age six, I think. And,...

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The Impending Cost of Great Hearts Charters in Nashville

I believe in the value of public education. I believe there is a place for public charter schools in low-income, underserved, low-performing areas. I believe in the right for families to choose private schools over public. What I do not believe in are public monies...

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Blue Morning Revisited

Recently on "The Journey with Grace," I ressurrected and published an older post, "Blue Morning Regime." This morning I revisited the subject matter....I awakened to "a blue morning." Some people's morning neurochemistry, explained my...

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GraceArt Starbucks Show Postponed

Saturday, September 1, 12, 8:20 p.m.: STARBUCKS EXHIBIT POSTPONED: Well-uh, we arrived at Starbucks on Hillsboro Road in Green Hills on Saturday evening per our instructions for the hanging of GraceArt, only to see that they had double booked the space. The manager...

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Shimai Gallery of Contemporary Craft
8400 Highway 100, Nashville, Tenn.
(Little cottage in the far corner of the Loveless Cafe complex.)



From Heartache to Hope: middle tennessee families living with autism, a book by Leisa A. Hammett & photographer Rebekah Pope. Click here for more info plus ordering details.

Grace Goad Autism Art