More GraceArt: Fall & Spring Line Up
Addendum 9.1.12 8 p.m.: STARBUCKS EXHIBIT POSTPONED: Well-uh, we arrived at Starbucks on Hillsboro Road in Green Hills on Saturday evening per our instructions for the hanging of GraceArt, only to see that they had double booked the space. The manager who, in May,...
A History of Home: From Then To Now
Wait! Please, eldest sister urged....I was an emerging college senior. It was all the rage of the bold, vogue and hipsters amongst my college to flee the rule of dorm mothers and share a local apartment on the periphery of our small East Tennessee campus....
The Pitfalls of Autism Branding
It was a familiar scenario. One that happens frequently. I'm preoccupied selecting groceries or on some errand for which I've brought along Grace, my perpetual sidekick. From behind me: "Hi, Grace!" I turn around to see the usually youthful smiling...
Blue Morning Regime
In my Elmer Fudd morning voice, I croaked "Hello..." to my friend Fran who telephoned on her way to work. First, she paused, and then, by the sound of her voice I could tell she was a bit surprised by the fact that I was obviously still under the covers....A...
This Life of Irony
Seems it's a life of ironies these days. The recent holiday slowed our pace, provided us a temporary change of venue--my sister's home in South Carolina--and a chance to reflect more deeply. One night I looked over at the sweet young woman-child in the twin...
Age-Old Thinking
"You know you're getting older when you find yourself attracted to men you see at Target and it does not deter you that they are with a teen-aged offspring." So started a stream of comments on Facebook with the above posting....This fall, I'll...
Agents of Change
*"Those who trade in fear simply make people more afraid, to the point where they will sacrifice anything, from the rights of others to their own rights, in order not to be afraid. It is simply wrong to use fear as a weapon.--Tom Ehrich, Morning Walk Media...