A Year Older & Looking Back
Funny. (Ha. Ha.) I thought I'd arrived on the summit of wisdom when I turned half a century two years ago. I wrote a post about being dubbed a "baby crone" by an older friend. Little did I know I was about to make a less than optimal choice that would...
Saturday: Franklin Farmer’s Market
#Instagram Collage: Leisa A. Hammett, Franklin Farmers Market, Franklin, Tenn.
3rd of 4 TV Reports, Parent Protest
Parents, teachers express concern over MNPS cuts NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Around 130 Metro special education professionals are out of a job and wondering what happens next. Metro Nashville Public Schools announced positions would be cut, because federal stimulus...
What’s on Your Bumper? Tennessee Autism License Plates Coming!
If you live in Tennessee, now you can wear your autism consciousness on your bumper--and not just via a magnetic ribbon or a sticker....We're talking a beautiful license plate (matches me blog right nice, eh?) co-designed by the talented Mary Sweeney of mSweeney...
The Thing I’ve Never Grieved: Part III
It was one of those "Kodak moments." A photo that will be treasured, framed, put on table and seared into memory: Julian, handsome. Cap and gown. Mother, Julie, beautiful, smiling. Father Billy, handsome, smiling as well. Proud. Pride. I gushed in my...
The Flow of Grief Over Growing Older
It's time to step into the confession booth. I only recently confessed this to my own self. And, now, I'm confessing it to you. I'm not asking for pity. I feel it not for myself. I'm not inviting you to a party here. I'm not hosting one. I just...
More Media Coverage Friday Parent Protest
Lack Of Funding Forces Metro Schools To Lay Off Some Aides NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Parents of special needs children who attend Nashville schools have expressed outrage after discovering that over one hundred classroom aides were let go on the last day of school....