The Thing I’d Never Grieved, Part I
"Don't You Stuff it! Don't. You. Stuff it, Leisa!" I had just finished a harsh yet intimate, soul-digging session with my spiritual teacher. The truth hurt. The truth shocked. We both cried. The truth that surprised me but yet I knew was spot on was...
Mother-Daughter Look-Alike
The link to my daughter's art site,, popped up as I typed it into a Facebook message to someone. I stopped and looked at her fresh face and then I looked at my own staring back at me in my Facebook profile. If you're a parent, ever notice how...
Reminder! GraceArt Show Reception Sunday 5/20
You're invited to the last GraceArt show of Spring 2012. Sunday, May 20, we'll host a reception from 2-4:30 p.m. at the Green Hills Library. Now showing through May 30, GraceArt: The Art of Autism ~ Grace Walker Goad, will feature the largest collection of the...
The Word and Sound Artistry of Our NPR Interview
Her on-air signature sound belies her youthful, roundish face, her flawless complexion framed with the deep, dark, sheeny, crinkle waves pinned back at her forehead. The smooth, calming voice is the one of flawless diction, of listen-to-me-command. It is the voice of...
How Comparison Prevents Peace; Plus, the Surrender of Acceptance
It's that nasty lil' thing we do--especially mothers--within the autism community. I've written about it here several times in a more general life context. It's a little bit of that ages-old keeping up the the Joneses self-inflicted torture. And,...
GraceArt: Green Hills Library, Conclusion of Our Spring Art Show Blitz (Whew!)
Grand tally: About 2,500 miles, nearly 40 hours driving and $700 worth of fossil fuels were logged, totaled and consumed by yours truly with a sidekick or two, sometimes including Grace, during April. How that went down: the last day of March, I hung GraceArt: Grace...
The Long Haul
Admittedly, I'm tunnel visioned. I only have one child. She is not "neurotypical." Yet, I'm able to imagine that what I'm about to communicate here could apply to parents who have children without disAbilities. And that is, it's not a sprint....