One Year Ago Today

I am reminded. I am reminded each day as I walk the side street nearby, past the upscale assisted living facility. It is often dinner hour when I pass by. When my daughter was a baby, we called it the arsenic hour. Business-attired women my age drive up along the...

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‘JWG’ Peeking Back & Forth at Oscar

Film is art. Moving pictures have the power to transport us away from our daily lives. They can illuminate our spirit. Tickle our funny bone and even inspire us. And since "The Journey with Grace" is in part a blog about art--and isn't all of Life art? I...

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DisAbility Dialogues, Part I: Things People Say

So call me "Cougar." He was pretty easy on the eyes. He wore tall, caramel-colored boots. Skinny-legged jeans tucked in. By his side was a high-end, sleek model motorcycle helmet. His lap-top shouted his renegade politics: bumper stickers brandishing...

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Whitney Houston’s Death A Reminder of Our Humanity

  Saturday, much of America apparently perched on their couches and watched Whitney Houston's funeral via television or live-stream internet. The Facebook community was stacked with commentary. Though I'm not a fan of celebrity, I believe in the...

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Shimai Gallery of Contemporary Craft
8400 Highway 100, Nashville, Tenn.
(Little cottage in the far corner of the Loveless Cafe complex.)



From Heartache to Hope: middle tennessee families living with autism, a book by Leisa A. Hammett & photographer Rebekah Pope. Click here for more info plus ordering details.

Grace Goad Autism Art