Passages of Time
"The days are long, but the years are short." --Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project January 11, 2012...the date entered at the beginning of the morning's journal entry. It caused me pause....As the seasons come the seasons...
To See as Artists See: More Phillips Collection @ Frist Center!
We benefit by giving ourselves over to the direct experience of the work of art. In this way one enters the artist’s world, learning to see as artists see. ~ Duncan Phillips Lucky. Lucky. Lucky are we in Nashville to be only one of only...
Defining Autism: A Guest Perspective on DSM-5
You may have heard, read or seen the flap on the news. Parents of children on the autism spectrum and adults with high-functioning forms, such as Asperger's are. Not. Happy. Frankly, it's all so confusing and I was none to excited to write about this. But, it...
Telling the Truth About Deen’s Sugar-Coated Lie
The hoo-la over the diagnosis of the Queen of Fat & Sugar, Culinary Marketing Guru, Paula Deen, with Type-2 diabetes has simmered down a bit in the last week. I guess. At risk of sounding self-righteous: I really don't know because I rarely flick on the boob...
Two Current Movies Feature Asperger’s
In theaters now, two movies highlight Asperger's syndrome. Viewed last weekend, Joyful Noise, alone, didn't charm enough with it's fun, fabulous music, and tender plot to demand anything other than a blurb on Facebook. But last night's take on...
“Life is Juicy;” The Art of Cindy Wunsch
The above collage is by one of my favorite Nashville-based artists. Not only is Cindy Wunsch's art inspirational and fun, she is one of the most positive, encouraging, genuinely caring individuals I know and also one of the best art teacher's I've...
Still Loves Fans
Parents of young children with autism have stories. They collect them. They chuckle with their partners and spouses and their parents and other autism families and friends about the really funny albeit odd things that their sweet babies, toddlers, preschoolers do. And...