Coffee, Tea or…Not-So-Perfect Entertaining
"Enough is abundance to the wise." ~ Euripides Growing up, our house was frequently full of company. Sunday nights after church, mother served cake and coffee to a slew of lively conversing adults who swarmed around the kitchen table. She hosted a share of...
Take Note: Southern Light Photographers
A visual feast that promises to touch the soul of the viewer plus--what opportunity (and fun): Copyrighted image, "Savannah Canopy," featured in exhibition, by extraordinary South Light photographer, Nick Dantona. One of Nashville's finest art galleries...
Swiftly, we entered my condo and like seasoned professionals began a triage of sorts. Instead of doctors, it was The Wuzband and I and the patient was our 17-year-old daughter with autism. She'd just had oral surgery to remove her wisdom teeth. I pulled out old...
Launching 2012: New Year’s Traditions
There's the standard fare of black-eyed peas (the edible version you stir in a pot) and greens. Opening and closing a door to let out the old, jumping from a perch at midnight to leap into the new....And while I usually incorporate those fun things into the dawn...
“I Dare to Imagine the Dream” A New Year’s Prayer
Western Lake, Grayton Beach, Fla., Fall 2009, copyright: Leisa A. Hammett "I am aware, there is but One Life, I am this field of creative potential in all Its' power, glory and possibility. "I accept there is always a way to greater good. I act like it,...
Deal with the Future Now
It happens every January. Like clockwork. The phones of the local Autism Society begin to ring. Frequently. The January Autism Orientation, which I co-lead, has more than it's usual numbers of reservations. It's time, people figure. The holidays are over....
Merry Christmas!
An early holiday greeting (Happy Holidays, et. al.,). I'll be back here on Tuesday....Above: I'm a bit nutty about the work of Nashville-area artist David Arms. (How could anyone NOT be?) I've been wanting to feature one of his amusing,...