I Am My Mother’s Daughter
I am my mother's daughter. I am my mother's daughter when I entertain company. Any occasion for her was an occasion to serve her signature chicken curry or chocolate fudge-icing bundt cake and Maxwell House coffee. I love to entertain. She used to say I was...
Eclectic Visual-Written Fall Gratitude Feast
"When we innocently pass through a day without acknowledging our good, we are denying ourselves a sense of pleasure and delight. We lose a consciousness of expectation that things will continue to get even better. Gratitude is it's own prayer." --...
Take Your Cure & Shove It. We’re Fine Just as We Are!
"Look! There's our silver lining." My friend pointed to the blackened sky, the full moon hidden by swollen clouds yet rimming their tops in silver. It was Saturday night and I'd driven The Divorce Mobile, top down--my friend riding shot gun--down to...
The Cure for Convertible Lust
If you drove by me topless between 2003 and 2004, then YOU'RE to blame! Now my English teacher friend corrected me for writing topless in the same sentence where I referenced driving my convertible. "Leisa, we must be clear that it was the car, not you, that...
Artist Brindley Distills Soul of Trees
Study, Angel Oak; drawing by Charles Brindley My recently deceased father instilled my love for trees. One-hundred-year oaks and cedars and younger varieties were generous on our family land. "I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree,"...
Grief Perspective & 2nd H2H Anniversary
From a Facebook discussion on this "Journey with Grace" post: The Language of Loss: Putting Grief Into Words, featuring grief writing retreat leader/author Amy Lyles Wilson: "Grief is that which surpasses words...the deepest groans of our hearts. But...
Spooky Greetings!
Photo: Two Ghouls, 2010. You shoulda seen how they looked at us @ roadside Pops BBQ & Convenience Mart--near small-town Pulaski, Tenn.--when I paid for our gasoline. Wink....Today, beware of any witch-hatted women drivin' round in convertibles. (Or...