Twilight at The Trace, Photo: Leisa A. Hammett. Text & photos, copyrighted.

When the passion of summer's warm months have escaped with the leaf stripping breeze of colorful fall,  the horizon pales and chills. No less beautiful, yet, than the deep sunsets of her opposite months.

Winter reminds–how connected we humans are with Mother Earth. How cyclical, too, our lives.

Vibrant Spring is for Birth and Renewal.

Toasty Summer is for play. 

Colorful Fall is for shedding and saying goodbye.

Barren Winter reminds us to go within. Be quiet. Still. Nurture.

Until Spring announces:

Time for Rebirth.
Sunset Snow.2010.Leisa A. Hammett, copyrighted & Best Shot Monday. (Taken w/ Nikon Cool Pix.)

If we allow…

Winter is our Soul's chance for germination.