We interrupt this previously scheduled ArtsFriday post here to mourn the loss of Apple/IPAD creator Steve Jobs who, Wednesday, surrendered in his long battle with pancreatic cancer.      

Jobs was a creatively unlimited visionary who made Art. One of the many current, fascinating cultural shifts happening in our troubled, often frightening-and-rapidly-and-confusingly morphing contemporary world is, at last, an increasing recognition of the importance and value of Creativity. And like that shift, we are seeing more clearly that creativity is NOT limited to making music, designing something visual, writing, acting, dancing…all the usual subjects featured here on ArtsFriday at "The Journey with Grace." Steve Jobs was a designer. He was a creator. He was ridiculously Creative! (And one hell of a manager! Which also takes creativity!)

And thus enters the Autism connection. See the video below about how Apple as a company was surprised how its' ingenious creation of the IPAD helped our special needs community. Yeah, the video is a bit of a rah-rah promo, but the first time I watched it, I cried when I listened to this mother's testament to how the device transformed her family's life. (I seem to be writing a lot here lately about things that are making me cry. Heh.) If you wish to skip to the part featuring how the device is helping individuals with autism, slide over to minute 3:42 where a big guy-senior Apple VP goes all warm and fuzzy talking about IPAD uses that are "heart warming."


My daughter Grace is one of an increasing number of individuals on the autism spectrum who has an IPAD. In a very short time this tiny, portable device has transformed the ability of so many like her to communicate with pictures and sound. The autistic mind is very often an extremely visual one. I can be Charle Brown's teacher ("Wah-wah-wah,") but with the quick, convenient push of a few buttons, show Grace a picture of her chore schedule on her IPAD and how I want her to empty all the condo's trash cans, and man, she's on it!

Steve Jobs: thank you from the bottom of my special needs mother's heart. I am Grateful for myself and for the benefits to my community. Here's a google search on autism and IPAD uses, should you care to explore further, dear reader.

So, has the IPAD helped you and your family?