GraceArt @ Annual VKC Show

These are exciting times here at GraceArt. We've received seven solicitations, most within the last month and all within the last six months for three solo shows next year (not all yet solidified,) three out-of-town shows and as a featured artist in two books on...

Nordstrom Ratchets Nashville Up a Notch

Nashville's high-end mall just racheted up the chi-chi. There's a new kid in town. And, in a scenario akin to the Beverly Hillbillies seeing a cement pond for the first time ever, I'd forgotten until I went seeking a cure for out-of-control curls at the...

Update: A Novel Idea

"This summer, 59 students wrote 59 novels in a month. That's 2.5 million words, and over 5,000 hours of tv-watching, video-game playing, Facebooking, and texting replaced with WRITING. That's a revolution." –Kristen House If you've been...